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Schools Girls Deserve in NYC

Please join us in celebrating the most recent publication from the Girls for Gender Equity organization and their report, Schools Girls Deserve.

The research team collects data, analyzes, and shares brilliant policy recommendations:

"Now is the time to invest in the schools that young people of color want, need and deserve! The School Girls Deserve Report is the result of a participatory action research project (PAR) that was done in collaboration with girls, transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) youth of color in all five boroughs of New York City.

We held listening sessions with over 100 participants ages 9 – 24 from various racial and ethnic backgrounds. The report documents how girls and TGNC youth of color are pushed out of school, uplifts their visions for the schools that they want and deserve and has policy and practice recommendations that school stakeholders can partake in to create schools that are holistic, safe and affirming for girls and TGNC youth of color."

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